Cristan Vineis

Rose Kindergarten Teacher
Cristan Vineis has over 12 years of experience in the Waldorf early childhood classroom. Beginning as a counselor at the Hawthorne Valley Farm Camp and an assistant in the HVS kindergartens, she received her teacher training from the Alkion Center. She spent the last ten years working as a lead in Waldorf kindergartens at both the Waldorf school of Cape Cod and the Waldorf school at Moraine Farm in Beverly MA. She has a degree in Psychology with a concentration in Women’s Studies from University of Vermont. Combining both her love of children and a passion for women’s health, she is a birth doula. Born and raised in the New England, she delights in all that the northeast weather provides and loves sharing that joy with her family and her students. In addition to outdoor fun, she enjoys handcrafts, yoga, meditation and studying child development and Anthroposophy.