Early childhood through grade 12

Hawthorne Valley Association

Our school’s location on an organic/Biodynamic farm supplements the curriculum by providing our students with the opportunity to develop connection to the natural world, and a love of outdoor adventure.

Aerial shot of campus including all buildings- school, administration, farm store, etc.- along with the farm and fields in the background.
Front facing view of the middle school showing the front doors and trees behind the building.
View of approach to early childhood buildings from the front- including path leading to the front doors with bushes on the side of the path.
View of school open air pavilion during a concert from an angle. The children are in the distance under the pavilion and the middle school is in the background behind the pavilion.
Aerial view of school campus in winter; creek can be seen just inside the tree line. From top to bottom of the photo it shows the baren woods, the thin creek, and all of the campus buildings including the middle school, early childhood, Turose, and assembly hall.
View of whole campus, including the farm buildings, in winter. It was taken during sunrise and there's a blanket of newly fallen snow
The sculpture, "Flight" is located in a garden bed just across the street from the school. It is pictured here in autumn surrounded by plant life like bushes, wildflowers, and trees.
Groups of people standing together near the school playground during a recent Fall celebration
Our dairy herd on pasture against the backdrop of Phudd Hill in autumn. The trees in the background are colored in reds, oranges, greens, and yellows.

Come explore with us

Students’ direct experience of the rhythms of each season, such as the progression of planting and harvesting and the caretaking of animals, imbues their education with many unique opportunities for in-depth, hands-on engagement and cultivates a sense of purpose that combats the pull of apathy so often present in today’s media-saturated world.

We offer a living, experienced-based education that meets students where they are, cultivating their intellectual, artistic and practical capacities and guiding them to hone their innate gifts so that they may become balanced and engaged citizens of the world.

View of Agawamuck Creek in spring; there are children and adults in the distance along the banks of the creek

The campus is alive with wildlife – foxes frolick in the fields and woodlands, Barred owls call out from the hills — ‘who cooks for you’! — and the crystal clear Agawamuck Creek filled with glimmering frogs, trout, and crawfish babbles behind the school. With the Catskills Mountains to the west, and the Berkshires to the east, Hawthorne Valley is rooted in glacial valleys lined by shale, waterfalls, and hickory and oak trees. Children play amongst trillium, bloodroot, and trout lily, and watch the mist lift from the fields during morning walks. They learn against a backdrop of cows lowing and chickens clucking. Feeling this oneness with the land, children learn to trust the self as they develop a broad spectrum of skills with which they can impact the world.

Hawthorne Valley Farm is a 900-acre Demeter-certified Biodynamic® farm, committed to soil health and offering a unique learning experience for students and their families. Its 65-head dairy herd provides the Farm’s fertility and milk for our creamery. The on-site Farm Store sells all the Farm’s products, including raw milk, and is a popular gathering spot for school families. The Farm grows Biodynamic vegetables on 16 acres and runs a 350+ member CSA. Click the link to learn more.

The dairy herd out on pasture; one cow is closer than the others and is looking directly into the camera; she has horns is deep brown with lighter brown fur between her horns and a light muzzle
View of produce section inside farm store; there are cherry tomatoes and asparagus in the foreground
image from inside the tomato greenhouse on the farm; there is a hand picking a sungold cherry tomato

Turose Gift Shoppe and School Store is located on school grounds and offers a wide selection of high quality toys, gifts, games, books, arts & crafts, and school supplies which enhance and support Waldorf pedagogy.

Interior of Turose Gift Shoppe and School Store; Caroline O'Neill, the shop proprietor stands at the checkout counter smiling while looking into the camera