Early childhood through grade 12

Hawthorne Valley Association

PTA Monthly Meeting

Row of colorful peg doll gnomes on a mauve-colored cloth; each is wearing a different colored felt hat and there are crystals on the table as well as pinecones

The PTA invites all parents, faculty, and staff to its monthly meetings, an open and receptive place for discussion and discourse on topics of education and the overall school community. All parents and faculty are invited to join us for April’s PTA meeting next Wednesday, April 17 at 7pm in the School Library. Rachel Loshak,

PTA Coffee Hour

Focused on three peoples hands toasting their coffee mugs together above a coffee table.

We are excited to partner with Hawthorne Valley Farm for our monthly Coffee Hours! Through the end of the school year, each Coffee Hour will begin with a time for refreshments, followed by a food-related workshop led by Juliana Santos, cooking class teacher and Lunch Program facilitator, and one of our amazing farmers. Space is